Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Outside Photos of the house

We don't have too many great pictures of our house before and after the renovations, mostly because most of the work we did was on this inside. You'll see it's just a traditional brick ranch, built in the early 1950s. We put on new shingles, it didn't need a full roof, our inspector said it was one of the best built roofs he had ever seen. It was before there were pre-fab frames, so each support is custom built.

Here's a few of the house before we bought it:

And here it is now, the photo is blurry because of the condensation from bringing the camera from the air condition out to the humidity:

I want to cut down the azaleas in the front that are hiding the porch, but then part of me says no as they've been here about as long as the house, but I think it would open it up so much more. The bush to the right of the front door is a gardenia, it put out tons of blooms in the Spring and smelled heavenly. Every house from here on out is having a gardenia, they are the best!

We have an extra room so please come visit!!

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