It's hard to believe our sweet little Anna Claire is already a week old! This time last week we had gone to the hospital, I'd had my C-Section and we were at the hospital receiving our first visitors and showing them proudly our new daughter. It's been a wild week, in some ways because I did have surgery, parts of it are fuzzy for me, but all in all the details are there and it was a great week. God has given us a sweet, good baby. She eats well and sleeps at night, not for long stretches, but she sleeps, so for that we are thankful. And of course, Mimi's (my mom) assessment is that she is completely advanced for her age, she would know, she's taught preschool for 30 years, Thad and I completely agree :)
Here are some pictures from the past week.
The last picture of us before Anna Claire's arrival.

First family photo:

Don't blink! She'll be 14 months old, walking, and climbing all over everything before you know what hit you! She's beautiful!
She is SO beautiful!! LOVE the hair!
:) Sharon
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