Our first night was a challenge. Anyone ever seen that show on TLC called "Bringing Home Baby" where it shows the two parents up in the middle of the night with a screaming baby, they are both exhausted, they've tried the swing, they've tried the bouncing seat, they've rocked, they've fed, they've changed the diaper, and the baby is still screaming?? Uh yeah, that was us on Sunday night. At last we found the only thing that would console her was mom, specifically she had to be laying on my chest with the pacifer in her mouth, it was a long, long night.
Night number two was a little bit better, but it was still all mama, although it wasn't quite an all nighter. I was able to get her fed and quiet and then Thad took over about 4:30 so I could get some sleep. He's been an awesome daddy, I love to watch him love on her, change her diaper, or just hold her, it's the best.
Mom and Nat are here helping, they have been life savers. They cook, do laundry, help me get off the couch, and help with Anna Claire, etc. Thad and I agreed today we have no idea what we would be doing without them. Nat has to leave on Friday and mom will be here all next week since I still won't be able to drive. They've had fun trying out new recipes and taking a couple of trips downtown for shopping.
Anna Claire is great. We took her back to the doctor today for a weight check and she had only lost one ounce since leaving the hospital on Sunday, so she's at 5lbs. 15oz and will only grow from here now that my milk is in and she's getting a full belly on a regular basis. It helps make her a calmer baby and one that rests better, during the day anyway. Here are a few pics of precious girl.
Meredith she is beautiful and you are the prettiest mother of a 2 day old I have ever seen!!! I can assure you I didn't look nearly that rested!!! Hang in there, we had those nights too....they get better :) Keep in touch and congrats!
There's no doubt - you and Thad made a beautiful baby! The first couple months are always a sleepless blur... good luck, it's worth every minute.
Congrats again, she's absolutely perfect!
Anna Claire is beautiful. I know you both are elated...and exhausted! Hang in there! We love you guys.
Congrats!! Anna Claire is beautiful and I absolutely love her name too! Wishing you well and lots of sleep...yes, it does get better! :)
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