Sunday, November 9, 2008

Belly pic and THE shed

Sorry I have been a little slack with the bloggin recently. We've been busy, I have been out of town on the weekends quite a bit for weddings and Thad has been hunting and working on his shed. I've posted some pics for you to see what he's been working on. The idea is we'll clean out the garage and the move some stuff in the house out to the garage to make room for baby girl tuten, who is going to be here in what seems like no time.
Here's a pic of me at 24 weeks, although now I'm 25 weeks. Making some progress...

And then here are some pictures of Thad's shed. I'm proud of him, he's never built anything like this before, he drew out the plans and has done all he research on how to build it. Yes, it's bigger than I thought it would be and No, it doesn't have electricity or running water, although he might change that once the baby comes home :)

Securing the foundation...this was several weeks ago.

This was two weeks ago, it now has tar paper on the sides and roof and doors, which Thad custom made. Next is siding and then shingles, hopefully he can wrap in up in just a couple of more weeks.


Anonymous said...

That shed is about as big as our apartment. Can we move in?

Meredith and Thad said...

Yes! We would love to have you move in, baby girl Tuten needs all her relatives close, you can be 1241 1/2!!

C said...

You look great, Meredith! What a cute belly. And, Dang! You got yourself a smart, hard-working husband! The shed looks fantastic!