So much for my motherly instincts, I truly thought we were having a boy, but when the tech told me I was wrong, I said, "Really, are you sure?" She laughed and said she was! The tech was able to get all the shots she needed of her heart, stomach, kidneys and spinal cord that she needed without much trouble. Our baby girl was facing my spine, so she wasn't able to get great face shots with the 4D ultrasound and when she poked and tried to get her to move then she just covered her face with both her arms, it was really cute! By the end she was sucking her thumb and still had the other arm over her face. It was amazing and flew by so fast! I wanted to stay and watch her longer, but our time was up.
The biggest question seems to be "What does Thad think?" He's excited and says he's looking forward to having a girl, although he says girls require more "supervision" longer than boys. I guess he means until she's married off for someone else to take care of! He has also said we are having children until we have a boy!!
Thanks for your prayers and excitement for us during this time! Here are some pictures!
This is the one where she covered her face:
In this one she has her hand over her nose and is sucking her thumb!
Congratulations!!! Baby girls are so much fun, it seems to be a trend among everyone I know these days! Have fun buying clothes, and Thad will be wrapped around her finger in no time! :)
Congrats! I was sure you were having a boy too. Maybe you should go back for a second opinion. :-)
Ryan was just as apprehensive but Abby was daddy's little girl from the moment their eyes met. He says now that he wouldn't even mind another girl. You couldn't have paid him to say that when I was pregnant! :) Congratulations on your healthy & growing baby girl.
I knew it! She's precious - the one of her sucking her thumb is so beautiful! (I think she's the spitting image of NAT!) :) You'll so love having a little girl. I wanted a boy so badly and didn't quite know what to do when we had a girl. But now I'm completely head over heels in love with her... I could have ten! Tom even went so far as to say that he'd be fine not having a boy. In fact, now that we're having a boy I'm a little apprehensive! Congratulations!!!
i'm so excited WE'RE having a girl!! i love her to pieces already. i'm not to worried about her looking like me or long as she gets my fierce dance moves.
can't wait til february! xoxo...
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