So I missed posting last week when Miss Anna Claire was four weeks. She turned 4 weeks on Friday, March 13th, another Friday the 13th, I wonder how often we have two months back to back with a Friday the 13th in them?
We can hardly believe how quick the time has gone nor how quick our little sweetheart is growing. Over the past month we've learned a few things:
-She loves her pacifier.
-She hates having anything pulled over her head.
-She loves bathtime, especially when Daddy washes her hair.
-She hates being swaddled if she's wide awake, but likes it if she's half asleep.
-She loves her playmat.
-She hates naps and constantly fights sleep during the day, one day she'll be sorry she missed out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to nap as much as she wants, well, almost as much as she wants to anyway.
This week she started sleeping through the night, at least sleeping from about 11pm to 6am, which has made the biggest difference for me. We'll see if it sticks or if it was just for a couple of days.
The best part about this week is that she is slowly starting to smile, at least when she's either just had a nap or just been fed. It's fun to see that she's smiling at us and becoming more excited about the world around her.
Here are some pictures from this week:
This picture makes me laugh, sometimes she is so alert and looks like she's going to start talking at any moment.

We did a little photo shoot trying to get a good picture for a birth announcement and of course, Jasmine was right there in the middle of it trying to help. I thought this was a sweet picture. Jasmine has definitely started to warm up to her, but finds another room when Anna Claire is crying.