It's been a busy summer here for the Tuten's! We moved from Charleston to Greenville, SC in mid-May. Thad started a new job at GHS and I transfered with my same company from Charleston, working out of our Greenville office.
Just before the movers delivered the contents of our Charleston house, we found out we were expecting baby #2! SHE is due January 3rd! That's right we found out this past week that we are having another girl. We are excited for Anna Claire to have a sister. Thad says he is going to get a male dog. Haha!
Anna Claire is a busy, busy 18 month old. She learns a new word every day and her accent is cracking us up. She is a great baby and actually seems more and more like a little girl everyday. A friend told me the other day that she would really seem older to me once baby #2 arrives. I took her to have her picture made this past weekend, I've posted a couple here, it's the only reason people read this blog anyway:)